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What is an ESD?


An ESD, or Emergency Services District, is a political subdivision or taxing entity established pursuant to Chapter 775 of the Texas Health and Safety Code and Article III, Section 48-e of the Texas Constitution which provides fire protection services, medical first response, and rescue services to its taxpayers and constituents.


Why form an ESD?


ESDs are a way to levy and collect property taxes to pay for fire protection and first responder services within the district. The monetary funds provided will take our fire department to the next level to provide more reliable, around the clock service by staffing our fire station with paid personnel and securing safer and more efficient equipment, along with a number of other benefits.

   • What are the steps to establishing an ESD?


 Forming an ESD is a multi-stage process which requires a number of different steps along the way.   Collecting signatures from 100 real property owners who are also registered voters in the proposed district   is necessary to call the proposal to a vote, which is what we are doing now. The actual vote to establish the   ESD will be in the November 2021 general election.


 • But I like the fire department we have now, why change?


 The men and women who serve China Grove Fire & Rescue now will continue to serve. Only under ESD 9,   the volunteer firefighters and medics who have served this community for decades can be supplemented   with paid firefighters providing for faster response times and a safer, more effective way to continue to   work for you.

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• Will I have to send in a check or electronic payment each year?


 And what are the benefits of an ESD? The proposed District plans to set its ad valorem tax at .10 cents per 100 dollars   of property value, which is automatically added to your property taxes each year. This hassle free system   ensures not only that our department continues to be sufficiently funded, but also means a worry free and transparent   system for you to support your fire department; along with peace of mind knowing that the highest quality of   emergency services is available to you and your loved ones from a station with certified personnel on standby around   the clock


• What if I have more questions later on?


 Since the vote to establish the ESD will not be held until the November 2021 general election,   ample time will be given between now and then to address any questions the public may have. A   public meeting will be announced at a later date so that more information can be made   available  to the residents of the proposed district as well as providing information through   social media platforms. Fire Chief, Mike Winfield can also be contacted with any questions via   our publicly listed phone and email.

China Grove Fire & Rescue

2456 FM 1516 South

China Grove, Texas 78263

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(210) 648-0227

Emergency: 911

Content on this web site is maintained by the members and staff of China Grove Fire and Rescue.
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